Pusat Jagaan Kanak-Kanak Ekliptik Klang (PJKKEK)
Previously known as Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor (PPKKCKS)
Latest Initiative for PJKKEK
In 1994, Mr Morgun established Pusat Jagaan Kanak-Kanak Ekliptik Klang (PJKKEK) with his own savings, in hopes of providing shelter for special needs children. The home accommodates children of mental and physical disabilities, and mainly takes in children from financially incapable families, single parent families, orphans, and the abandoned.
Mr Morgun aims to provide a better life for the children by giving them the needed support, care, and comfort to live. As there are no fees collected from the families, the source of funds to sustain the home come from public donations, societies, clubs, and associations.
Assist during doctor and therapist visitation days
Help with homework as most of them are enrolled in special schools
Monetary donation
Specific items (please contact the home for more details)